

2024-03-14 18:48 发表于 巴基斯坦 巴基斯坦

Hero markets有限公司骗局

我在 Hero Markets LTD 投资了 20000 美元。 当我想出金时,他们要求支付20%的策略费用。 当我支付 8500 美元的策略费用时,他们说我的金额被冻结,我必须支付 1000 美元作为解冻费。 当我支付完,他们说我的提款金额比较大,我必须支付更多的解冻费,再多付1000美元。 我说我没有那么多,他们同意减少到 250 美元。 当我付完钱,他们就不回复了。 拜托,我需要帮助,失去了所有的钱。



Hero markets LTD scam

I invested 20000$ in hero markets LTD when i want first withdraw they demand 20% statergy when i pay 8500$ as stetergy fee they ask my amount get freezed i have to pay 1000$ as unfreezing fee when i pay this amount they ask my amount is reletive large i have to pay more as unfreezing fee they 1000$ more i ask i dont have they agree to 250$ when i pay this they dont reply please i need help i lost all my money