

2023-12-12 01:35 发表于 阿联酋 阿联酋


我在22年8月8日开户,在开始交易后,我一直把赚来的利润放进本金里,在与交易商沟通之后,我又加了30,000 迪拉姆,为期3个月。当我想要出金这30,000迪拉姆的时候,经纪人(萨梅尔·汗,真实姓名是韦埃尔·艾哈迈德)开始拖延时间,一天又一天,一直没出金。现在他不放出我的本金和利润金额,从11月3日以来,我的账户一直没更新,我多次尝试联系经纪人,但他一直不回复。现在唯一的方式就是曝光他们,有很多人跟我面临的是一样的问题。



without information blocked account

i have opened account on dated 08/08/22, since starting i was adding profit amount with my capital amount, after that i have added AED 30,000, for 3 months after talking to the broker. while i requested to withdrew my capital amount AED 30,000 as we discussed before deposits, broker (sameer khan, actual name is wakeel Ahmed ) started to give me date per date which is never comes ( image has been attached for reference ) Now he is not releasing my profit amount, not releasing my capital amount, not updating my account since 3rd November 2023, many times i have try to contact the broker but he is not replaying, Now only way i have for litigation, we have many peoples here facing same issue with the ivision market company