

2022-12-07 20:11 发表于 南非 南非

TradeFills 骗子警告

你好,我的名字是 nawaaz,我是一名日间交易员,我和我的团队在过去3个月一直在Tradefill这里做交易。我们总部设在南非,有大约 300 名交易员,我们都被骗了 因为TradeFills他们封锁了我们所有的账户并拒绝支付我们的提款。如果你读到这篇文章,请不要相信 TradeFills 因为一旦您获利,他们将停止发送您的提款,如果有人可以举报他们,我们可以在其中对他们采取法律行动,请告诉我,因为我们有大约 300 名被改交易商骗过的会员



Tradefills scammer Alert

Good day my name is Nawaaz and I am a day trader, I have been with Tradefills broker for the past 3 months and our team as well. We are based in Sout Africa and have a group of around 300 traders, we all have been scammed by Tradefills as they have blocked all our accounts and refused to pay us our withdrawals.
Please if you read this do not trust Tradefills because as soon as you become profitable they will stop sending your withdrawals

If anyone has a way to report them in which we can take legal action against them please let me know as we have backing of around 300 members who has been scammed by this broker