

2021-09-14 16:05 发表于 菲律宾 菲律宾

Angel Broking是骗局!

到现在为止,我已经提交出金申请好多次了。前几次被驳回是因为我选择了 "错误的出金方式"。我感觉他们是不想告诉我什么是我账户的正确出金方式,只是很高兴能简单地拒绝出金。这一次我研究了一下,想出了我认为的正确的提款方法。现在差不多已经三周没有回信了!我向支持团队提交了关于这个问题的询问,也没有答复!我现在又提交了一个询问,如果本周仍没有答复,我会去起诉。我只是想要回我的钱,为什么不让我这么做?



Angel Broker is a scam!

I have been trying to submit a withdrawal request a few
times by now. The first few times it was rejected because I chose the 'wrong
withdrawal method'. It felt like they did not want to tell me what was the
correct withdrawal method for my account but were just happy to simply be able
to reject it. This time I did my research and figured out what I think is the
right withdrawal method. Now there is no answer for about 3 weeks! I submitted
an enquiry to the support team about that, and no answer to that as well! I'm
submitting another enquiry now and will be filing my case if still no answer by
this week. I simply want my money back, why won't you let me??