

2021-09-11 17:52 发表于 菲律宾 菲律宾

我没有收到我的 8500 美元

我只能说这个“交易商”是一个组织,是一个犯罪集团,对客户和合作伙伴冷漠无情。虽然我知道他们的问题,但“交易商”还是说服我,让我向我的访客和客户推销他们,但他们不付给我任何费用。他们在我没有收到付款之日后的第 19 个月终止了我们的合作伙伴关系。我知道很多客户被这个交易商骗了,我认为它应该做一些事情,比如关闭交易商,保护这个诈骗组织的人。



I do not received my $8500

I can say only one for this "broker" this is an
organization that acts as a criminal group that used any ruthless way its
customers and partners. Although I knew about their problems as a broker they
convinced me to promote them to my visitors and customers and then they decided
do not pay me anything. They terminate our partnership on 19th of month after
the date of payment which I do not receive.

I know for a lot of clients that is cheated from this broker
and I think It should do something like that brokers be closed so as to protect
the people of this fraudulent organization.