



小心你在网上认识的人。 我在网上认识了这个名叫 Tommy Kho 的人,并且很快就认识了他,个人生活似乎没有什么问题,作为3家马来西亚中餐馆的老板,他的事业很成功,他的日常生活似乎也证明了这一点。 然后有一天,他突然请求我帮忙,帮助他和他的姐夫使用这款只能在 iPhone 中找到的 Yasli X6 -> FX Corp 应用程序进行交易。 他让你看到这个过程是多么简单和值得信赖,每次交易他的 20.000 - 30.000 钱,利润约为 10%,而且出金似乎很安全,因为你需要身份证验证,像我这样的其他人也可以帮助出金,但它 仍然会进入他在 ByBit 的钱包。之后,他邀请我加入他的交易并创建我的个人帐户..教我如何数数等。我只用少量的资金进行交易和取款没有问题..然后美人计来说服我投资更多金额,在我出金之前,他要求我联系客户服务部,以提高我的代理级别,以便在每次存款中获得回扣,我不知何故上当了,因为我认为我可以信任这个比我了解更多且经验丰富的人 。 突然间一切变得一团糟,我无法提取我的钱,CS 不断要求我提供更多的钱才能提取我的余额,他不断向我保证它是安全的。 我不断地加钱,直到变得太多,我需要冒着一切风险才能获得所有余额。 他甚至帮了一点忙,这只会让我陷入更多麻烦,假装他不知道这件事。 我的其他朋友已经试图提醒我这是一个骗局,但我没有尝试倾听并接受赌博。 现在我已经失去了一切,甚至还向其他一些朋友借钱。 我不了解交易以及如何检查公司的可信度。 现在已经太晚了,我还有很多债务要偿还。 请小心!


It's a scam on an intimacy level, beware

Be careful of the people you get to know online. I've known this person named Tommy Kho online and it gets personal very quickly. There seems to be nothing wrong about his personal life, he's successful with his career as owner of 3 Malaysian Chinese restaurant and his daily routine just seem to support it. Then one day he suddenly ask my help out to help him and his brother in law to trade using this Yasli X6 -> FX Corp app that you can only find in iPhone. He's giving you a glimpse how easy and trustworthy the process is, trading his 20.000 - 30.000 money with about 10% profit everytime and the withdraw seems to be safe because you need ID card verification and other party like me can help withdraw it too but it will still go to his wallet in ByBit. How convenient! After that, he's inviting me to join him in trading and creating my personal account.. teaching me how to count etc. with only small amount I spare there's no problem trading and withdrawing the money.. then the honey trap came to persuade me with bigger amounts and before I can withdraw my money he's asking me to contact the CS to level up my agency level for getting rebate in every deposit, I somehow fell for it because I think I can trust this person who knows more than me and is experienced. Suddenly it became a mess and I can't withdraw my money, the CS keeps asking me for more money to be able to withdraw my balance and he keeps reassuring me that it's safe. I keep adding money until it becomes too much and I need to risk it all to get all my balance. He even helped for a little which just get me into more trouble pretending he doesn't know about it. My other friends tried to remind me already that this is a SCAM, but I didn't try to listen and take the gamble. Now I've lost everything and even got myself in loan with some of my other friends. I didn't have knowledge about trading and how to check the company's trustworthiness. Now it's too late and I have lots of debt to pay. Be careful please!

印尼 2023-12-25



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