



Allandroad 帐户是:(*******)由于正在接受审查,因此将在几周内公布详细信息。如果有负面评级,我会打-5分。不是因为亏损/利润,而是因为他们的整体运作方式让人不满意。 如果在国际层面分享信用卡详细信息,并被迫添加更多资金,显示当前的一些利润。建议所有人保持谨慎。如果您在获得一些利润后注意到自己持有亏损,请立即停止并出金余额,并立即更改您的信用卡。即使您出示 Trustpilot/其他评论并询问他们,他们也会给您一些已知国家公司负面评论的示例。这是一个陷阱。 不要这样做。你会蒙受损失,不是因为股票。你永远不会收回你投资的钱,因为他们没有任何出金程序。 你需要得到他们的批准,在第一次可能会成功,下次再想出金就不容易了。我不确定它是否是真的投资市场。这是发生欺诈性国际交易的同一张卡的屏幕截图。 除此之外,我还分享了一些在网上的录音和附件(由他们的客户/销售经理“********”发送电子邮件)至“******@ellandroadcapital” .com>”电子邮件。 我要拿回我的钱,因为我知道账户亏损根本不存在。 我可以说这已经不是交易,而是陷阱,就是为了骗我们辛苦赚来的钱。注册 Ellandroad 后我被骗的流程如下:1) 您只需点击 URL 并输入电子邮件 ID 详细信息2) 他们的人会立即 打电话给你并非常有礼貌地让你完成注册,他们会添加 50 美元的信用额度来说服你(这是第一个陷阱)。 注册的最低金额为 250 美元。他们还会坚持让你只使用信用卡,说其他付款方式不能用。3) 他们会非常热心帮助您启用国际交易功能(这是第二个陷阱)4) 他们的销售人员将立即开始在 Zoom 会议上致电您开始交易。 他会了解您以及一些与金钱相关的问题5)您会看到2到3天的积极交易,感觉很高兴。(这是第三个陷阱)6)然后销售人员会坚持让你投资更多金额。7 )您会再次添加最低金额,即 250 美元。我也添加了。8)由于我对整体提款流程有疑问,所以我尝试出金。 这位销售人员立即打电话给我,问我为什么要出金。需要给出理由才能出金(为什么我们需要给出理由呢)。 他说没有我的同意你不能出金。 我问他为什么,他说因为他是我的 SPOC,我的所有问题都将由他解决,这就是我只需要联系他的原因。 他让我分享银行账户和 IFSC 代码来存钱。他获取的帐户详细信息在出金部分不可见,也看不到任何交易ID。9)销售人员会让您独自呆几天,这样如果您不再添加任何交易,就可以自己进行一些交易 10) 在我的例子中,交易正在亏损,因此为了维持住,不亏损,我投入更多的钱。(第四个陷阱)11) 因为我几乎一周没有接他的电话,也没有再入金,我觉得存在一些问题,但不确定,所以决定不再入金,无论是否有亏损。7 月 25 日:A) 我收到了我向 ELLANROAD 付款的同一张卡的短信,扣除了约 729 美元,没有任何 OTP 等。 并立即发送第二条短信。 我很幸运,因为我已经在卡中添加了限额。 我的卡立即被冻结,但损失了 729 美元,也提出了争议B)在卡被冻结的同一天,我试图从 Ellandroad 出金,因为我已经产生了怀疑,而且我的账户也被冻结了。交易也有了一些利润。C) Shahz 立即在办公时间打电话给我,让我完成一笔交易。这就是最后一步了。他坚持让我完成这个交易,因为不需要太多时间。 我当时没有想到他是想通过造成重大损失来关闭我的账户。 5分钟之内我所有的钱都消失了。 我附上了上次交易的详细信息。 5分钟之内就损失了400多美元,并且也关闭了我所有的其他交易。我也可以分享7月25日的通话记录日志。我已经把所有经验都分享出来了。 希望这可以帮助到其他人。 我也希望能拿回我辛苦赚来的钱。 不知道谁可以提供帮助。


Suspicious and Fraudulent Modus of operandi

Allandroad account is: (*******)Will share details step by step in few weeks since it is in scrutiny. But if there was rating in Negative I would have put -5.Not because of loss/profit, but overall their modus of operandi. Will suggest to all to be cautious, if you are sharing credit card details at international level and pressurized to add more money showing temporary some profits.If you start noticing your holding in loss after some profit please stop it there itself and withdraw your remaining amount immediately, and change you credit card immediately.Even if you show the Trustpilot/other review and asked them,they will give you examples of some know national Company negative review.This is a trap. Please don't go for it.You will be in loss,not because of shares., but you will never receive your invested money back as they don't have any withdrawal process on its own. You need to get their approval which will only be for first time to gain your confidence (that too after few reminders) and next time your money will be gone. Not sure if its really getting invested in Market itself.This is screenshot of same card from which fraudulent international transaction did happen. Apart from this I have also share some Audio recordings which was always on internet and attachment( email by their account /sales manager "******* ") to "*******>" email. I need my money back since I am sure it was not at all a loss which they want to proof. IN fact I can say that was not trading but trap, to get our hard earned moneySteps how I faced the number of fraudulent issues after registering to Ellandroad:1) You just click the URL and curiously enter the email Id details2) Their person will immediately call you and insist very politely to complete your registration and they will add credit of amount $50(This is 1st trap) to convince you. The minimum amount is 250$ to get yourself registered They will also insist to use credit card only as the other payment option will not work.3) They will very humbly help you to enable your international transaction feature (This is 2nd trap)4) Immediately their sales person will start calling you on Zoom meeting to start trading. He will get familiar to you and also some of your monetary related issue5) You will be happy to see some positive trading for 2 to 3 days.(This is 3rd trap)6) Now sales person will insist to add some more amount.7) You will somehow add minimum again and that is 250$.I have also added.8) Since I had a doubt on overall withdrawal process I tried to withdraw some amount. This sales person has immediately call me to know why I am withdrawing my amount. Not sure why I did not suspicious about it, but you will need to give justification to withdraw your own amount (Why we need to justify not sure). He said that without my approval you cannot. Which should have clicked to me, but he immediately asked that since he is SPOC for me and all my issues will be addressed by him and that is the reason I need to contact only him. He asked me to share the bank account and IFSC code to deposit the money. The account details taken by him is never visible in withdrawal section and also did not see any transaction ID.9) Sales person will leave you alone for some days so that you can do some transaction on you own if you don't add any more money which he has insisted for.10) In my case the transaction was going in loss and hence to sustain I have to add more money.(4th Trap)11) Since I was not taking his call almost for a week and also did not add anymore money, thinking there is some problem around overall process, but was not sure so decided not to add anymore money irrespective if it profile /loss. Vey next week, the day has arrived i.e. 25th July.A) I received the SMS for same card from which I have done the payment to ELLANROAD that about 729$ is deducted without any OTP and so on. And immediately second SMS. Lucky me since I have added the limit in the card. I got my card blocked immediately, but there was loss of 729$ which also reported disputeB) On the same day after blocking my card I tried to withdraw some amount from Ellandroad (so initiated the process) since already was suspicious about the incident and my transaction was showing some profit.C) Shahz immediately call me during office hrs for completing one transaction, and since that day I was little disturbed with overall incidence happening, I think I did realize but till the time I can conclude he has given last blow. He insisted to complete it since will not take much time. In hurry I did not realize this person was not looking for any profit for me but wanted to get my account closed by enabling major loss. Within 5 minutes all my amount got vanished. I have added the details of my last transaction. Within 5 min it was 400+$ loss and that also closed my all other transaction too.I can share the call record logs for 25th July too.I have share all my experience step by step. Hope this can help other to decide wisely. Also somewhere I wish to get my hard earned money back. Not sure how and who can help.

印度 2023-08-29



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