下载WikiFX投资骗局+ 资金勒索+ 浪漫骗局:连续3 次试验后无法提取255,09 kusd,我的交易账户自2023 年5 月7 日起被冻结。



我今天写了第二次针对犯罪和欺诈的投诉 交易商(https://www. BIB和这个,我是一个严重的浪漫骗局的受害者,这个骗局是由一个在社交媒体上认识的非常聪明但非常危险的女人犯下的。她自称是经验丰富的金融和货币分析师/交易员,并建议我在她推荐的经纪人平台上学习加密货币场外交易:https://www. BIB 假名是jane milka(很可能是假身份......)她告诉我来自法国国籍,在美国学习和生活了一段时间(手机:+33 7 55 52 20 65 ).她能说流利的法语和英语。经过广泛的研究和验证, BIB 不合法: BIB 是一家不正规的经纪商,没有任何金融监管机构颁发的任何官方交易许可证。 BIB 也不持有官方电子货币服务许可证。一开始jane milka建议我小额投资,在她的推荐和监督下,我们的同步交易完成于 平台成功。之后,她推动我投入越来越多的钱,以通过与她的交易赚取更多利润。我的总投资金额是38,2 k€,我目前BIB自2022 年12 月结束以来,oxotc 账户余额为255,09kusd。当我想取回我的所有资金时BIB2022 年12 月的oxotc 255,09 kusdt 账户余额, BIB oxotc 在线客服非法要求我缴纳“25% 的个人所得税”(55 kusdt !!!),以便“有权”提取我所有的255,09 kusdt 资金!尽管我多次与BIBoxotc 在线客服告诉他们我绝对不必直接向任何经纪人支付“25% 的个人所得税”! ,而只向我居住国的官方税务局支付,他们一直要求我尊重BIBoxotc 平台规则!并且只通过usdt 转账到他们的特殊税收钱包地址来支付我的税款,这听起来像是投资骗局和税务欺诈……!尽管简·米尔卡和BIBoxotc在线客服。我还试图退还我仅有的38,200 欧元投资本金,但是BIBoxotc 在线客服总是拒绝释放我的38,2 k€ 本金,并且总是告诉我在实现取款之前我必须首先缴纳税款!我解释了BIBoxotc 在线客户服务,我是我的资金所有者,我无需缴税即可取回我唯一的本金!并且我可以随时随意收回我自己的资金!他们保持着令人难以置信和不可接受的立场,一直拒绝释放我要求的38,2 k 欧元投资本金!我几乎不怀疑简·米尔卡会和她一起工作并为之工作BIBoxotc 经纪人诈骗新人并诱使他们将积蓄投资于诈骗BIBoxotc 平台……事先完全知道这个骗局BIB即使在缴纳了25% 的个人所得税后,oxotc 也绝不会授权任何投资者通过成功提款来取回他的资金(本金+ 利润)……! ! ! jane milka 说服并敦促首次亮相的投资者存入尽可能多的钱,只希望他们存入的资金总是越来越多……! ! !在切断了与jane milka 几周以来的所有联系之后,她最近于2023 年4 月26 日通过whatsapp Messenger 回复我,向我提出一项安排,让我预付55kusdt 以支付我的55kusdt BIB oxotc等,成功提取我的255kusdt数字资产BIBoxotc 平台偿还了她,退出后,她借给了255kusdt 和这个,以结束我们的财务诉讼。作为她帮助的对应,jane milka 要求我寄给她第一个2000 usdt 作为我善意的证明和资金存款证明:她想确保我会很好地偿还她预付的55kusdt。我在5 月5 日的上周五向她发送了我的2000 usdt 存款,作为回报,她在几分钟后向我发送了她假装的所谓 55kusdt 纳税凭证(见下面的截图!)我还发送给BIBoxotc 在线客户服务我的所有资金提款申请,以确保它已完成。 BIB oxotc 在线客服验证了它(见下面的截图)。我的第一次BIBoxotc 255,09kusdt 资金提款申请被认定为失败BIB5 月5 日星期五oxotc 系统审核!我的第二个BIBoxotc 225,09kusdt 出金申请,终于操作成功BIBoxotc 系统审计于5 月5 日星期五18h46mn 和我的255,09kusdt 很好地扣除了我的BIBoxotc 账户余额显示为0(见下面的截图)。但是,不幸的是,我的225,09kusdt 从未到达我个人的usdt 接收钱包地址!几个小时后,我发现我的BIBoxotc 账户余额已退回我的225,09kusdt 所有资金! BIB oxotc在线客户客户向我解释原因是24小时提款通道维护,我需要在24小时后提交新的提款申请(见下图)。然后简米尔卡让我问BIBoxotc 在线客户服务其他方法来提取我的资金,我被问到BIBoxotc 在线客服不能接受且完全违法的以下事情(见下图):« 您好,您的钱包地址检测异常,为了用户资金安全,您可以支付账户余额的百分之五作为国际转账手续费,然后提交您的银行卡账户,由我司安排财务为您办理国际汇款。 » 显然,我拒绝了。我的钱包地址是从我合法且受监管的交易所复制粘贴的。当然,我的钱包地址显然符合欧洲法律和所有金融法规。事实上, BIB oxotc在线客服及其同伙jane milka首先要逼迫我支付非法5%的国际费用BIBoxotc账户余额有权自由提取自己的资金。那是非法的,是勒索资金的。事实上, BIB oxotc 在线客服尽一切努力阻止我提取资金,总是发明其他新的虚假和非法借口! ! !此外, BIB oxotc 甚至没有官方电子货币服务许可证……jane milka 和她的骗局BIBoxotc 公司的同谋还想让我向他们提供我的借记卡详细信息,以劫持、入侵和窃取我银行账户中的钱:那是严重的金融犯罪! ! !自2023 年5 月7 日起,我的BIBoxotc 账户被冻结,我无法再使用我的255,09kusdt 资金。我不能接受和容忍如此高级别的金融犯罪和危险:经验丰富的浪漫骗局+严重的金融骗局+资金勒索+258,480kust! ! !金钱盗窃+身份盗窃! ! !在与骗局和犯罪作斗争后,我真的感到深深的绝望BIBoxotc 现在已经超过5 个月了,却无法成功提取我的255,09 kusdt 资金,或者至少是我的38,2 k€ 资金!我郑重地允许我请求wififx 以其专业知识和与官方监管金融机构的合作紧急帮助我收回我的255kusd 资金的本金+ 利润,因为我真的需要拿回我的财产。 BIB oxotc broker 和jane milka 的金融犯罪活动必须被紧急制止,因为他们已经并将继续伤害和窃取许多无辜和诚实的人。


I write today a SECOND COMPLAINT against CRIMINAL AND FRAUDULENT broker ( and this, I was victim of a serious romance scam perpetrated by a very intelligent and terribly dangerous woman met on social media. She presented himself as experienced Financial and Currency Analyst / Trader and proposed me to learn me cryptocurrencies OTC Trading transactions on her recommended Broker platform : pretented name is Jane MILKA (Very probably a FAKE IDENTITY…) and she told me to be from French nationality with having studied and lived for a while in the United States (Mobile Phone : +33 7 55 52 20 65). She speaks both French and English languages FLUENTLY. After extensive researchs and verifications, is NOT LEGITIMATE : IS an IRREGULAR broker without ANY official traiding licences delivered by ANY Supervisory Financial Authorithies. also doesn't hold an official e-money services license. At the beginning, Jane MILKA proposed me to invest small amounts and, under her recommandations and supervision, our synchronized trading transactions completed on platform were successful. After, she pushed me to invest more and more money to earn more profits with trading with her. My total investment amount is 38,2 K€ and my current BIBOXOTC account balance is 255,09KUSD since end of december 2022. When I wanted to withdraw my all BIBOXOTC 255,09 KUSDT account balance on last december 2022, BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service ILLEGALY asked me to pay a “ 25% personal income tax ” (55 KUSDT ! ! !) to have the “ RIGHT ” to withdraw my all 255,09 KUSDT funds ! Despite my MULTIPLE chats with BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service with telling them that I ABSOLUTLY DON’T HAVE to pay “ 25% personal income tax ” DIRECTLY to any Broker !, but EXCLUSIVELY to official Tax Office of my residence country, they kept asking me to respect BIBOXOTC platform rules ! and to pay my tax ONLY VIA USDT TRANSFER on their special tax wallet address, what sounds SERIOUSLY as an investment scam and taxes fraud... ! I ALWAYS REFUSED TO PAY those 55 KUSDT taxes in spite of STRONG AND CONSTANT PRESSURE of Jane MILKA and BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service. I also tried to get refunded of my ONLY 38,2 K€ invested Principal, but BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service ALWAYS REFUSED to release me my 38,2 K€ Principal, with always telling me that I first must pay my tax before achieving a withdrawal ! I explained BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service that I am the Owner of my funds, that I have NO TAX TO PAY to get my ONLY Principal back ! and that I am free to recuperate my own funds at will at any time ! They MAINTAINED their incredible and unacceptable position with KEEPING REFUSING to release my asked 38,2 K€ invested Principal ! I HARDLY SUSPECT Jane MILKA TO WORK WITH AND FOR BIBOXOTC Broker to scam debutant Individuals and entice them to invest their savings on SCAM BIBOXOTC platform… with perfectly PRECEDENTLY KNOWING that SCAM BIBOXOTC will NEVER AUTHORIZE ANY INVESTORS to retrieve his funds in (Principal + Profit) through a successfull Withdrawal EVEN AFTER 25 % personal income tax PAYMENT… ! ! ! Jane MILKA convinces and rushes debutant Investors to deposit their MAXIMUM POSSIBLE of money with ONLY WANTING them to deposit funds always more and more… ! ! ! After cutting ALL communications with Jane MILKA since several weeks, she lately came back to me through WhatsApp messenger on last april 26, 2023 with proposing me an arrangement with making me a 55KUSDT advance to pay my 55KUSDT BIBOXOTC and so, to withdraw successfully my 255KUSDT digital assets from BIBOXOTC platform with paying her back, after withdrawal, her lent 255KUSDT and this, to close definitely our financial litigation. In counterpart of her help, Jane MILKA asked me to send her first 2 000 USDT as proof of my good will and as fund deposit proof : She wanted to be sure that I will well reimburse her advanced 55KUSDT. I sent her my 2 000 USDT deposit on last friday may 5th and she sent me, in return, her PRETENDED so-called 55KUSDT tax payment voucher a few minutes later (See below screenshot !) I also sent to BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service my all funds withdrawal application to be sure It is WELL completed. BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service validated it (See below screenshot). MY FIRST BIBOXOTC 255,09KUSDT funds withdrawal application was qualified as failed by BIBOXOTC System audit on Friday may 5th ! MY SECOND BIBOXOTC 225,09KUSDT funds withdrawal application was, AT LAST, successfully operated by BIBOXOTC System audit on Friday may 5th at 18h46mn and my 255,09KUSDT well deducted of my BIBOXOTC account balance that displayed 0 as amount (See below screenshot). BUT, UNFORTUNATELY, my 225,09KUSDT NEVER ARRIVED on my personal USDT receiving wallet address ! AFTER several hours, I discovered that my BIBOXOTC account balance had been credited back of my 225,09KUSDT all funds ! BIBOXOTC Online Customer Customer explained me that the reason was a 24 hours withdrawal channel maintenance and that I needed to submit a new withdrawal application after 24 hours (See below screenshot). Then Jane MILKA told me to ask BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service for other methods to withdraw my funds and I was asked by BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service the UNACCEPTABLE AND FULLY ILLEGAL FOLLOWING THING (See below screenshot) : « Hello, your wallet address is detected as abnormal, for the safety of the user's funds, you can pay five percent of your account balance as an international transfer fee, then submit your bank card account, and our company will arrange the finance to make international remittance for you. » OBVIOUSLY, I REFUSED. My wallet address was COPY-PASTED from my legitimate and regulated Exchange. Of course, my wallet address is OBVIOUSLY COMPLIANT WITH EUROPEAN LAW AND ALL FINANCIAL REGULATIONS. In reality, BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service and its ACCOMPLICE Jane MILKA FIRST wanted to FORCE me to pay an ILLEGAL 5% international fees of my BIBOXOTC account balance to have the right to withdraw freely my OWN FUNDS. That is ILLEGAL and FUNDS EXTORTION. IN REALITY, BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service DOES EVERYTHING TO BLOCK ME in my funds withdrawal WITH INVENTING ALWAYS OTHER NEW FAKE AND ILLEGAL EXCUSES ! ! ! Furthermore, BIBOXOTC doesn't EVEN hold an official e-money services license... Jane MILKA and her SCAM BIBOXOTC company ACCOMPLICE ALSO WANTED me to give them my debit card details informations TO HIJACK, HACK AND STOLE my money inmy bank account : That is SEVERE FINANCIAL CRIME ! ! ! Since may 7th 2023, my BIBOXOTC account is frozen and I cannot access to my 255,09KUSDT funds ANYMORE. I cannot ACCEPT and TOLERATE such a so HIGH-LEVEL OF FINANCIAL CRIMINALITY AND DANGEROUSITY : ULTRA EXPERIENCED ROMANCE SCAM + SEVERE FINANCIAL SCAM + FUNDS EXTORTION + 258,480KUST ! ! ! MONEY THEFT + IDENTITY THEFT ! ! ! I really feel DEEPLY desperate after struggling for nothing against SCAM & CRMINAL BIBOXOTC for more than 5 months NOW without having been able to withdraw successfully my 255,09 KUSDT funds or, AT LEAST, my 38,2 K€ Capital ! I solemnly permit me to ask WifiFX to help me URGENTLY with its Expertise and its collaboration with official Supervisory Financial Authorithies to recover my 255KUSD funds in Principal + Profit, because I really NEED to get my financial possessions back. BIBOXOTC broker and Jane MILKA must urgently be STOPPED in their financial criminal activities, because they already have and will continue to hurt and steal a lot of innocent and honest people.

法国 2023-05-10



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