下载WikiFX : 骗局:无法提取255,09 kusdt(客服要求提款前支付55 kusdt个人所得税)。



我是一个在网上杀猪盘的受害者,她向我解释说她是金融分析师,并建议我在她推荐的经纪人平台上学习加密货币场外交易交易:https://www. BIB 她首先建议我投资少量资金并在其上操作交易交易 平台在她的指导下取得了成功!然后,她推动我投入更多资金,通过与她交易赚取更多利润。我投资了38.2 千欧元,当我想全部取出时BIB2022 年12 月的oxotc 255,09 kusdt 账户余额, BIB oxotc 在线客服要求我缴纳“25% 的个人所得税”(55 kusdt !!!)才能“有权”提取我所有的255,09 kusdt 资金!尽管我与BIBoxotc 在线客服告诉他们我绝对不必直接向任何经纪人支付“25% 的个人所得税”! ,而只向我居住国的官方税务局支付,他们一直要求我尊重BIBoxotc 平台规则!并且只通过usdt 电汇到他们的税务钱包地址来支付我的税款,这听起来很像是一个骗局......!今天,我的255,09 kusdt 资金仍然总是被冻结BIBoxotc 平台,因为我付不起这55 kusdt 的巨额税!那个在那些时候驾驶我的女人 交易之前从来没有告诉我任何关于这个25% 个人所得税的存在......!她甚至强迫我签订银行贷款或向我的朋友借钱来支付这55 kusdt 的个人所得税……! ! !我还试图退还我仅有的38,200 欧元投资本金,但是BIBoxotc 在线客服总是拒绝释放我的38,2 k€ 本金,并且总是告诉我在实现取款之前我必须首先缴纳税款!我解释了BIBoxotc 在线客户服务,我是我的资金所有者,我无需缴税即可取回我唯一的本金!并且我可以随时随意收回我自己的资金!他们保持着令人难以置信和不可接受的立场,一直拒绝释放我要求的38,2 k 欧元投资本金!我怀疑我遇到的那个女人一起工作BIBoxotc 经纪人欺骗新人并诱使他们将积蓄投资于BIBoxotc 平台……根据 公共注册表, BIB 网站通过支付保护身份服务隐藏其真实所有者姓名……并且总部位于英国。法律提及,书面且仅在下载内容中可见BIBoxotc 应用程序,谈论位于爱沙尼亚的总部! ,并且从未在任何地方指定在操作他的(投资本金+ 利润)提款之前要支付的“费用”或“个人所得税” BIB oxotc平台!徒劳无功的我真的很绝望……with BIB oxotc 超过3.5 个月,但未能成功提取我的255,09 kusdt 资金或至少我的38,2 k€ 资金。我真的需要你的专业知识、专业协助和资金追回和投资者权益保护方面的帮助来解决我糟糕的个人情况,因为我目前显然面临BIBoxotc 严重的欺诈行为和投资交易骗局。非常感谢,致以最诚挚的问候

原文 : SCAM : IMPOSSIBLE withdrawal of 255,09 KUSDT (55 KUSDT personal income tax payment is asked by Online Customer Service to withdraw).

I am victim of a serious romance scam perpetrated by a woman met on social, who explained me she is Financial Analyst and proposed me to learn me cryptocurrencies OTC Trading transactions on her recommended Broker platform :   She first proposed me to invest small amounts of money and the trading transactions operated on platform were successful under her guidance !   Then, she pushed me to invest more money to earn more profits with trading with her.   I invested 38,2 K€ and when I wanted to withdraw my all BIBOXOTC 255,09 KUSDT account balance on last december 2022, BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service asked me to pay a “ 25% personal income tax ” (55 KUSDT ! ! !) to have the “ right ” to withdraw my all 255,09 KUSDT funds !   Despite my long discussions with BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service with telling them that I ABSOLUTLY DON’T HAVE to pay “ 25% personal income tax ” DIRECTLY to any Broker !, but EXCLUSIVELY to official Tax Office of my residence country, they kept asking me to respect BIBOXOTC platform rules ! and to pay my tax ONLY via USDT wire transfer on their tax wallet address, what sounds strongly as a scam... !   Today, my 255,09 KUSDT funds are still always BLOCKED on BIBOXOTC platform, because I cannot pay this enormous 55 KUSDT tax ! This woman who piloted me during those trading transactions NEVER told me anything BEFORE about existence of this 25% personal income tax… !   She even pushed me to contract bank loans or to borrow money to my friends to pay this 55 KUSDT personal income tax… ! ! !   I also tried to get refunded of my ONLY 38,2 K€ invested Principal, but BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service ALWAYS REFUSED to release me my 38,2 K€ Principal, with always telling me that I first must pay my tax before achieving a withdrawal !   I explained BIBOXOTC Online Customer Service that I am the Owner of my funds, that I have NO TAX TO PAY to get my ONLY Principal back ! and that I am free to recuperate my own funds at will at any time !   They maintained their incredible and unacceptable position with KEEPING REFUSING to release my asked 38,2 K€ invested Principal !   I suspect the woman I met TO WORK WITH BIBOXOTC Broker to scam debutant Individuals and entice them to invest their savings on BIBOXOTC platform…   According to public registries, website hides its real Owner name with paying a Protection Identity Service… and is headquartered in UK.   Legal mentions, written and ONLY VISIBLE inside downloaded BIBOXOTC application, speak about Headquarters located in Estonia !, and NEVER specified NOWHERE neither “ fees ” to pay nor “ Personal Income Tax ” to pay BEFORE operating his (invested Principal + Profits) withdrawal on BIBOXOTC Platform !   I really feel desperate after struggling in vain… with BIBOXOTC for more than 3,5 months without having been able to withdraw successfully my 255,09 KUSDT funds or, AT LEAST, my 38,2 K€ Capital.   I will really need your Expertise, Professional Assistance and Help in Funds Recovery and Investors Rights Protection TO SOLVE my terrible personal situation, because I am clearly currently facing a BIBOXOTC serious fraudulous behavior and an investment Trading scam.   With all my thanks,   Best regards

法国 2023-04-13



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